
Friday, June 17, 2011

Little Known Star

Hey, so I discovered this girl, I think that she is from Poland whilst dailyboothing. She is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. All of her work is fabulous and she is really nice too! You should DEFINITELY check her out on flikr ... Here she is! and on daily booth ... Here! I have decided to share some of her photo's with you, just in case you don't want to look at her sites ~.O! I have chosen three of my favourites, however she has EVEN better ones on her site!

The quality is real bad, but on flikr its AMAZING!
~.@ Luna.
 P.s I had Squaidas when writing this, sorta ruins the image doesn't it...<3


  1. Ah you have no idea how wonderful I feel right now, you just made my day! I really appreciate what you did, you're such an amazing person. P.s you had to email me to send you photos with good quality.. sorry about it.. :(

    best wishes, buba! :)

  2. Oh sorry! I just stole them off your flikr... :3 And if I am amazing then you are triple that! Thankyou so much for allowing me to post about you! <3

    Luna. ~.@
