
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hello! SO! No post yesterday, or the day before...sorry, sorry, sorry! Not that any one actually reads this but ANYWAY!
Its just that,  I have crossed to the dark side.
I got Tumblr. It is called Teal Mockingbird. Please check it out! :D I post REALLY often! {caught the tumblr addiction.}
The thing is I actually don't know how to work it...at ALL.
So short post today, but it is because * disclaimer alert* I am SERIOUSLY bogged  down with things to do {Like persuading my friemds to get Tumblr...}
Here are some photo's. That I like. Muchley.
Feed me.

Take me there,

Click me if I don't move.
She is 14, I am 14. I wish I looked like her :'(

I want.
Y' startin?
She was 13, jealous?
Whole new meaning to holding the world in your hands.
 ~.@ Luna.
P.s Sorry, I feel like today has been a cop out.

Monday, June 27, 2011


So, I made a cake for my Dad's birthday prezy, it tasted pretty awesome. Seriously. So here is the recipe so you can recreate it! :D
You will need... 3 large lemons {I had a lime by accident :3} vanilla, 8oz butter, 8ox caster sugar, teaspoon of backing powder, 4 eggs, icing sugar,  8oz flour.
First off you wanna put your butter and sugar in a large bowl.
Then nuke it good and proper until it is white and fluffy, NOT yellow and creamy.
Like so...
Then great the hell out of two lemon's to get there ZEST! Mwahahaha....

Then juice them until they SCREAM. Well, sorta.
Add them into the bowl of fluffy stuff!!
MIIIIX again!

Add the baking powder and eggs.
And discard the annoying bits somewhere that someone else can clear them up...
Add flour...
And, whatdyaknow? MIX!
Add the Vanilla to the mix...

Then poor it into a lined backing tin...unlike me...I forgot about the lined...
Then smoothey smooth it until it is nice and prittyfull! :D

ANNND That's it! Enjoy!

~.@ Luna.
P.s if you are wondering why i have no the finished cake its because of the aforementioned problem...with the tin :3.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Is this my first outfit post?

Hey. As I may have mentioned before I have NO nice clothes. Not any, and well, I don't have the best body/face either. Therefore I have never really had the confidence to do a 'outfit' post before. But! Today is different, I am going to do a real life 'outfit' post! YAYAYAYAY! It's just because I really like the stuff  am wearing today... admittedly not all mine, but still!

Don't look at my face!

Jeans, Zara. T-shirt freeby, Elle. Shirt my mum's, vintage. Earrings my mum's, vintage. Bracelet I made when I was two. :3
Sorry the last photo is a little rubbish but I just love that bracelet so I thought I would add it in anyway! :D I may not have the chance to post that much next week as I am planning a party, and... its on...sat :3 WOOPS!
~.@ Luna.
P.s I love the word admittedly.
P.P.s Check out my Dailybooth for another photo!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hey. I didn't post yesterday because I is lazy fo' sizzle. And I am a poo. SO if you live in England you probably know that well, summer still hasn't come. At all. Literally and seeing as it is past the summer solstice ALREADY  meaning that the planets are now going in a different formational route... {inner nerd.} and therefore the days for the northern hemisphere are getting shorter. FML. I was trying to think of summery stuff to put in this post, to lift our moods. This is what I came up with. Glamping.

I want to go. NOW.

Thinking about Glamping made me remember a dream that I have had since I was very young. To live in a place like the one featured in the film Swallows and Amazons! Remote, picturesque and with a few good chums. .... I wrote this...badly...

Some days we rambled. Walking for miles and miles, stopping for a picnic by the stream, catching butterfly's and drinking ginger beer. On other days we would spend our time rowing around the vast expanse of water at the bottom of our garden, pretending that we were exploring the Amazon rainforest in a canoe. We would set up camp and build  a fire, roasting chestnuts and frying potatoes in the dancing flames. When we slept it was warm, the cool summer breezes whipping the trees and leaves singing us to sleep. We still have the house. With its grey arch ways and turrets. With its un-opened trunks in the attic and its creamy blue mosaic fountain. We haven't been back for a while, but we will. We will go and be explorers again, traipsing through the wilderness. However, this time with I-phones to guide us back to our warm sitting room; and television instead of board games. In a way its sad that everything has changed, sad that it will never really be the same. But, as they say, all change is for the better.
~.@ Luna.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Cut out swimsuits.

Ok, so as you all probably know this year bikini's have fallen flat and, in there place have come the wonderful SWIM SUITES. Now, this is like Christmas come early for me as I have never, so far, possessed a bikini. First of all my mother would not allow me near them, and secondly when she finally did I did not feel comfy showing my body to everyone. I still don't.
Another reason I am glad is that not only are swimsuits more classy but they are ridiculously cheaper as well. Its mental. But, lets say you want to show some of your body off at the beach, well, you still can! By wearing a cut out swim suit, in my view they are the best swim suites anyway. Everyone has been doing it 2011.

Yves St. Laurent.

Now, for some affordable alternatives...
White pure cut out swimsuit here, teem with a big rimmed visor here and some rocking bright sandles here and you will be the star of  the runway, well, the beach...

80's really is so chic right now, and if you would prefer to cover up a little more then you could try this bubble gum pink number, right here. Because it is such a statement piece wear it with some cute but simple sandals. That is if  were you :3
As gladiators have been in for the last few centuarys 'literally' try something new and exiting such as this, well not that new, but still!
Woops, this has been quite long and rubbish...sorry! <3 byee my lovelys. P.s what swim suite do you wear?
~.@ Luna.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I have decided to dedicate this post to all of the reads I am drooling over this month. Fo' shizzle.
The help

It is about racism in America in around the 1930's or 40's and is gut wrenchingly sad, hilariously funny and very, very thought provoking. I mean, when was the last time you saw a black plaster? You can get it on Amazon for like £2. Get it. NOW. >.< I shall not tell you any more apart from the fact that soon it will be a film, and I am sure that the movie will ruin it. Also I have done like 3 English projects on it now! It is pretty full to the brim of awesomeness.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society.
This is a lovely book written only in the form of letters! It is simply delicious, like a good cake, and I am very much enjoying reading it! It is set just after World War 2 and it is about the life of the people of Guernsey whilst they were occupied by the natzi's. Sounds horrid, but actually it is funny, and very happy...so far...
Also it is on Amazon for around the same price!
Bye. I love you. 私はあなたを愛して。
~.@ Luna.
Wuu3? {yes, I know I put a 3.}
P.s It's my Dad's birthday today! Happy Birthday!