So, I made a cake for my Dad's birthday prezy, it tasted pretty awesome. Seriously. So here is the recipe so you can recreate it! :D
You will need... 3 large lemons {I had a lime by accident :3} vanilla, 8oz butter, 8ox caster sugar, teaspoon of backing powder, 4 eggs, icing sugar, 8oz flour.First off you wanna put your butter and sugar in a large bowl.
Then nuke it good and proper until it is white and fluffy, NOT yellow and creamy.
Like so...
Then great the hell out of two lemon's to get there ZEST! Mwahahaha....
Then juice them until they SCREAM. Well, sorta.
Add them into the bowl of fluffy stuff!!
MIIIIX again!
Add the baking powder and eggs.
And discard the annoying bits somewhere that someone else can clear them up...
Add flour...
And, whatdyaknow? MIX!
Add the Vanilla to the mix...
Then poor it into a lined backing tin...unlike me...I forgot about the lined...
Then smoothey smooth it until it is nice and prittyfull! :D
ANNND That's it! Enjoy!
~.@ Luna.
P.s if you are wondering why i have no the finished cake its because of the aforementioned problem...with the tin :3.
I don't think I've ever read such an excited recipe!!! Looking forward ze party, and I can't believe there are rehersals on Friday--that's just harsh.